Tag Archives: share the vision
Student trips
Student Trips Overseas
Annual expeditions to a variety of destinations. In the early days all expeditions went to the Himalaya in the spring, but with changes to the education calendar, trips have latterly been during the summer, when parts of the Himalaya are monsoon affected and not suitable to visit.
All expeditions have a community project, which can last anything from two days to a week according to the nature of the work, the needs of the community and the amount of flexibility within the itinerary.
Before any expedition takes place there is a training programme, which gives group members skills in the outdoors, navigation and camp craft, develops the team and gives each member leadership opportunity and skills. The team members are also given fundraising challenges, which contribute either to the expedition funds or to the community project.
Past trips:
Future trips:
- Mustang 2014
- Indonesia 2016
For details of any of these trips please CONTACT US.
Young and Visually Impaired
Share the Vision – These are joint expeditions with New College, Worcester, the college for blind and visually-impaired young people. They tend to be shorter in duration, up to a maximum of two weeks, and involve a short trek in mountainous terrain along with a more tactile activity i.e. in Morocco riding camels, in Nepal riding and bathing elephants.
Each NCW student is paired with a King’s student so that they enjoy the experience together, with the guides giving voice to what they see around them.
The training for these expeditions focuses largely on the guides understanding the needs of their partners and coping with the responsibility of their roll, as well as the blind and visually-impaired coping with the physical challenge. There is also an emphasis on the social development of the group.
Previous trips:
Future trips:
- Iceland 2015
To discuss trips for young people with special needs please get in touch.